29 April 2014

Expect the Unexpected =]

Gross? Sorry not sorry =P
I contemplated for so long when would be the right time.. or the safe time.. or even a good time to blog about my little surprise. I've pretty much concluded that no time is the "safe time". Life comes at you so unexpectedly and anything can happen.

So here goes.... Super excited to be embarking on this new journey and also excited that I have this blog to document everything.

11w5d.. Coming Nov 2014. =)

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24 April 2014

Hello Lovelies [[A Couple Changes]]

I was contemplating for a long time just discontinuing use of this blog and then moving on to something new, but i feel like this blog is my baby. The archives though not lengthy, show the history of this blog and in a sense the history of me.

Life is always always changing. There's nothing wrong with that. Change is good. And I think it'll be interesting for anyone new that comes along to see the evolution the blog posts have gone through.

All that being said. Look forward to something new! Be back soon.

 Love you guys.