31 January 2014

The Plague.

That's what I feel like I'm recovering from. My boyfriend had the flu, so I stayed with him to take care of him and then of course I caught it. And I have been miserable!! I'm feeling much much better now but I still don't feel motivated to do much of anything and I can't get rid of my cough. And since I have asthma, when I cough every single time it feels like a lung is going to fall out... especially when it's a dry cough.
I can't believe tomorrow is going to be February. I'll be 24 in 19 days and I am NOT looking forward to aging LOL. It's not the same exciting feeling I felt when 21 was coming, now I just feel like I'm getting older and so I should be doing MORE. I always feel like I should be doing more though, I'm a chronic over-worker. 
What's everyone been up to? 

19 January 2014

Temper, Temper

I wouldn't go all the way as far as saying that I have a BAD temper... cause no one with one wants to actually admit that LOL. But I am known for being a little firecracker. It's something that I honestly can't help. I am usually very quiet and calm (now anyway) unless I feel VERY strongly about something. Then when I do... its 0-1000 in less than a second and it's VERY hard to bring me back down. It takes HOURS sometimes for me to calm down.

That's one thing that I am trying to work on bettering. I don't want to be KNOWN for having a bad attitude because that's usually how it comes across and it really surprises people cause I am otherwise very sweet LOL. I definitely need to take up yoga or something LOL.

How do you keep calm?

16 January 2014

Mini Chop!!!! =D

So I've been tryna get my boyfriend to take pictures of my hair since I cut it almost a week ago. #FAIL! He gladly presented himself when I was taking some of myself lol but for some reason he does not wanna take a picture of my hair for me. He must be too distraught since every so often he looks at me and says "I can't believe you cut my hair off" LMAO.

My mini chop honestly was a pretty big chop in the back lol. I have an asymmetrical bob type thing goin on! So the front of my hair is about shoulder length and the back neck length.... I was close to bra strap length in the back before! 

But even the stylist at the salon was feeling my pain when she washed my hair.. When it came time to rollerset it, it was almost impossible for her to keep the relaxed hair untangled/unmatted. That actually made me smirk a little cause I thought it was a complete fail on my part and then I realized it wasn't just me who couldn't keep it together #score!

Anywho, I'm loving the hair cut! I'm excited to see my curls once I wash my hair again to see what's goin on back there and feel how much easier it is to handle cause I'm pretty sure I'm almost if not completely relaxer free in the back!! 

Wash day post coming soon?? =D 

09 January 2014

My Lame Excuse for a Length Check [5.5 months post!]

Dirty mirror, looking HIT and all LOL. Sorry, you guys get the general idea right? LOL. this was me rushing and making sure I had pictures to show you guys (and really my momma) cause I plan on mini-chopping tomorrow and then no one will see my progess.  But see all that beautiful new growth *cheeses* I'll try to catch some pictures of my length tomorrow when my hair is actually dry so you guys MAY be able to see it but you know how they do at the hair salon... they're always anxious with the scissors! 

Wish me luck beauties!

07 January 2014

Transitioning Problems {The Line of Demarcation}

I haven't posted about my hair in a while because I had a sew-in for almost 6 weeks. I've pretty much established that sew-ins are a bad idea for me... I actually blogged about that when I took out my last sew-in this life update where I briefly mentioned how I wanted my hair to be thicker and how sew-ins are still preventing that. Yea.... still a bad idea. My scalp cannot handle not being washed weekly. By the time I took my hair down, the buildup was so horrible even though it had been washed while I had the hair installed. So yea I need access to my scalp.

Anywho... the line of demarcation is the point in your hair where your new growth, and relaxed hair meet. 
Pic courtesy of diryprettythangs.com
This is the most delicate part of your hair. It's the point that needs to be moisturized the most and it's the point that has to be treated the most delicately. On my head, it also happens to be MULTIPLE points on my hair shafts. I guess all the self relaxing there are multiple points where my hair is a different texture so I definitely have some breakage. I'm ready to chop it all off but everyone is SO opposed to it. I will be doing a mini chop next month for my birthday and ill also be 7 months post relaxer (so a hair update with pictures will finally be posted) so I'm super excited about that  because I know with less relaxed ends the hair will be much easier to manage. 

What do you guys do to manage the two textures? How are you managing taking care of the line of demarcation?

06 January 2014

There's only up from here!.

google image

I am diligently working on personal growth and with that comes growth as a blogger. I want my blog to definitely show me but also be purposeful and make sure that my readers are getting something out of it as well. This year is going to be all about growth for me because I honestly feel I NEVER have time to plateau. I am probably one of those people who are never satisfied... its cool with me... Greatness doesn't come from complacency.

How are you working on your growth this year?

P.S. Who loves my new blog design as much as I do? Much more aesthetically pleasing in my opinion. Check out Rekita's beautiful blog or her Etsy design shop, all the credit for my new look goes to her amazing self! <3 

02 January 2014

Welcome, 2014!

All the initial excitement of the new year has died down and while I still see the occasional new year, new me posts, they've all pretty much disappeared *insert sigh of relief*. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people changing... but I wouldn't mind if we all thought of a new, maybe individual phrase so that we weren't all ringing in cliches as the clock struck midnight.

As for me, I am looking forward to the new year being a year of growth. I spent much of 2013 in misery. Don't get me wrong I was generally happy, but at the same time I was dying for change. I felt like I was stuck in a place where I couldn't thrive at all. It was not working for me.

I quit my job the day after Christmas. So many people don't understand my reasoning behind it but to me it makes perfect sense. I am trying to grow into a certain type of person. My job was not allowing me to grow. And not at all in the sense that they weren't supportive because I had an amazing support system during my last couple of months, but the job was not for me. I got no sense of satisfaction out of what I was doing and I most often felt defeated. If you hate your job, quit it.

So of course I didn't quit without a back up plan and I'm very excited about work now. I feel happier in a place where I am allowed to express myself as an individual and not just force something on people based on company standards. I no longer feel robotic.

I am looking forward to 2014 with an extremely new insight. This year is all about growing as a person, spiritually, a blogger, a girlfriend, a big sister, and so much more. 2014 is MY year. This year I am looking forward to being not a new person, but a better one. The only way to go is up.