17 June 2014
Time to Move on...
Visit my new blog! Lifewithtanay.blogspot.com
28 May 2014
Hump Day Bumpdate - 16 Weeks
First of all... how much do I suck that my last post was 2 weeks ago and it was a bumpdate also? I have literally not even opened my laptop since that last post. I'll do better. I'm going to try to at least. Cross your fingers ya'll. ANYWHO... on to the baby news =)
16 Weeks! Baby might be trying to show =) (Im also reduced to selfies because whenever I'm ready to take my picture boyfriend isn't around! LOL) |
far along: 16 weeks =)
Baby size: Depends on what app I use. What to Expect says baby is the size of an Avocado, and I have another app called "Ovia Pregnancy" that says baby is the size of a Dill Pickle. I'm pretty sure these are different sizes so... who knows LOL
Baby size: Depends on what app I use. What to Expect says baby is the size of an Avocado, and I have another app called "Ovia Pregnancy" that says baby is the size of a Dill Pickle. I'm pretty sure these are different sizes so... who knows LOL
Weight gain: As far as I know, I've only gained 3 pounds so far. And its clearly going to my stomach the little bit of weight it is.
Maternity clothes: Nope but I've been rubber-banding some of my pants. They're starting to get a little snug.
Stretch marks: Not yet! Hope they stay away.
Sleep: Depends, last night was the first time I woke up at 5am because I was STARVING! I literally could not go back to sleep without eating.
Gender: I know it! I'm trying to get my boyfriend to take some cute pictures this weekend so I can post up gender reveal pics.
Movement: For the past couple of days in the morning I think I feel something, then I'm like hmmm was that the baby? I don't know. I can't tell yet.
Best moment this week: Maybe feeling the baby move.
Looking forward to: Shopping! I am so excited to start buying clothes and other things.
Food cravings: No cravings still except Icees. Earlier this week I wanted mangoes but after I got them the craving went away.
Weirdest food I ate this week: I ALMOST said I ate nothing weird until I remembered that I ate french fries from McDonald's. That's not weird for some people but I haven't eaten it in almost 4 years and I really really wanted Sweet and Sour sauce. It was kind of strange.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore really. Thank goodness!
Labor signs: No way!
What I miss: Sushi! I want some so bad.
Symptoms: Fatigue, itchy nipples (tmi?) and mooooooodddyyyyy!
Things that suck: my emotions! LOL. They are uncontrollable. And even worse when I'm hungry. My boyfriend probably thinks I'm a psychopath.
Things that don't suck: Knowing the baby's gender, watching my bump grow, and the fact that Orange is the New Black is a little over a week away on Netflix. =)
Til' next time loves!

14 May 2014
HumpDay - Bumpdate 14 weeks
You guys knew it was coming! =). I STILL don't have a bump to even show but I don't want to put off the updates any longer cause I want to make sure I remember everything.
See? Some barely there bumpage. I tell people the baby is hiding LOL |
far along: 14 weeks! =)
Baby size: Baby is the size of a lemon
Weight gain: None... which is strange to me but the doctor hasn't acted like its strange sooooo not worrying for now.
Maternity clothes: Nope!
Stretch marks: No. But I should probably really get into the habit of lotioning more often because I heard that helps.
Sleep: All day! It never feels like enough sleep.
Gender: Don't know yet but dying to find out!
Movement: Not yet! Even though every time I've gone to the doctor we see him/her moving away so I know I have an active baby in there.
Best moment this week: Getting over this cold or allergies or whatever it was that's been attacking me!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender, feeling the baby move!
Food cravings: I have the worst case of "I see, I want". Pretty much anything I see... I HAVE to have.
Weirdest food I ate this week: hmmmm can't think of anything
Anything making you queasy or sick: Steak. BLEGH.
Labor signs: NO WAY!
What I miss: Pepsi... *sigh*... and sushi!
Symptoms: Headaches.. though im not sure if its pregnancy or sinus related, and pregnancy brain! I forget everything... I was texting people Happy Birthday on Mother's Day! LOL. I've also had this nasty taste in my mouth since the first trimester that WILL NOT GO AWAY!
Things that suck: Having a stuffy nose. Having to go to work LOL
Things that don't suck: Knowing that all this will be worth it in a couple months =)

13 May 2014
So I have been trying for THE LONGEST to upload a commenting system that works better to the blog. I really wanted to use Disqus but I CANNOT for the life of me get it to work and its making me very sad LOL. Any ideas for different commenting systems that work better? I really want to be able to keep up with my interactions with you guys cause it makes for a better blogging experience!

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