05 January 2013

...&& skinny girls can be fat too!

Have you even seen a skinny girl with a muffin top? Or wondered why that chick was so tiny yet her stomach just DIDNT match her body?

Confession: I AM that girl LOL

Idk maybe it was years of being told that I'd never gain any weight. Or maybe I've tricked myself into thinking that fast metabolism means its okay to eat philly cheesesteaks at midnight. *shrugs*. But when you're sitting down and someone asks you "how can you be so skinny with a belly" (because apparently thats TOTALLY socially acceptable nowadays! *eye roll*) then just MAYBE its time to workout.

So along with the ab lounge @ boyfriends house, and the website Random Abs, today I am starting my daily ab workouts. Because truthfully, I'm very tiny and if i could just get THIS under control.... I'd be in amazing shape. Wish me luck!

Because someday this could be my life! LOL

But before anything!. Lets try my first Blog Hop. =)


  1. Ok first, that's extremely rude but evident that people these days have no. couth. at. all. Nevertheless, good luck with your workout!

    1. LOL yea im sure she wouldnt have liked if i responded ALMOST the same way you're so huge with a big belly =). LOL. But thanks hun. Not gonna lie it is VERY hard for me to get motivated to do things on a schedule but im working on that. All things in time! =)

  2. Good luck! I am in the same boat right now, lol. If only there was an easier way....

    Found you through quitetheblog blog hop :)
    Kayla - http://doublethalove.blogspot.com

  3. You can do a thousand crunches but if your eating habits are bad, you will not whittle your waist. Diet is very important and I would say at 80% on keeping your weight in check. Exercise will help you tone, burn calories and keep you in good health. Maybe you should do an online food diary challenge with a group of friends to keep you motivated.

    1. Yea my eating habits arent HORRIBLE but i know they could be better. Food diary challenge sounds interesting. I'll look into it =)

  4. LOL! Okay, that is hilarious! And so true!....although my problem is my thighs....isn't it easier to hide a muffin top than thunder thighs? LOL.... Anyways! Good luck with your workouts! You go get 'em girlie!

    1. a year later and I think I used that dang ab lounge 1 time since this post LOL

  5. Tried the Coconut Pinapple one and please know it is just aweful. Very bitter for skinny girl diet. I will not try any others.


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