14 May 2014

HumpDay - Bumpdate 14 weeks

You guys knew it was coming! =). I STILL don't have a bump to even show but I don't want to put off the updates any longer cause I want to make sure I remember everything. 

See? Some barely there bumpage. I tell people the baby is hiding LOL

How far along: 14 weeks! =)

Baby size: Baby is the size of a lemon

Weight gain: None... which is strange to me but the doctor hasn't acted like its strange sooooo not worrying for now.

Maternity clothes: Nope!

Stretch marks: No. But I should probably really get into the habit of lotioning more often because I heard that helps.

Sleep: All day! It never feels like enough sleep. 

Gender: Don't know yet but dying to find out!

Movement: Not yet! Even though every time I've gone to the doctor we see him/her moving away so I know I have an active baby in there.

Best moment this week: Getting over this cold or allergies or whatever it was that's been attacking me!

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender, feeling the baby move!

Food cravings: I have the worst case of  "I see, I want". Pretty much anything I see... I HAVE to have.

Weirdest food I ate this week: hmmmm can't think of anything

Anything making you queasy or sick: Steak. BLEGH. 

Labor signs: NO WAY!

What I miss: Pepsi... *sigh*... and sushi!

Symptoms: Headaches.. though im not sure if its pregnancy or sinus related, and pregnancy brain! I forget everything... I was texting people Happy Birthday on Mother's Day! LOL. I've also had this nasty taste in my mouth since the first trimester that WILL NOT GO AWAY!

Things that suck: Having a stuffy nose. Having to go to work LOL

Things that don't suck: Knowing that all this will be worth it in a couple months =)

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  1. Lol i see a little bump!!! And how in the world does baby not like steak?!

    1. Girl I don't even know!!! Any time my gma cooks steak or even I smell steak I want to keel over n die lmao.

      There's a little bump! U can see it when I'm sitting down so much more lol.


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