03 September 2013

Falling for Fall...


As every other woman on this planet does. But I'm honestly just now finding myself fashion-wise. I'm beginning to develop my own ideas of wants and dislikes.. and putting together outfits in my head when i see pieces that I like. Prior to this..... my boyfriend dressed me!... No seriously... Not all the time but most of the time. He has a pretty good sense of fashion and he can put together an outfit!!!! LOL.

All that being said... Over the passed few years Fall has become my favorite season. I love it because of the endless possibilities with layering... I love scarves... And honestly its the beginning of the holiday season which I just love in general.. ESPECIALLY in NYC. && even though spring is big on layering... I love fall colors more. 

Soooo some of my fall basics this year...

Scarves - I used to HATE wearing scarves.... but now the fashion aspect of them appeals to me... they're more of an accessory for me honestly.. than thinking about the suffocating warmth aspect of it... LOL

I am definitely like an elementary school kid when it comes to fall/winter accessories... im constantly losing scarves... Forever 21 has plenty of cute ones for under $15 bucks though that helps to ease the pain (slightly) when the scarf monster (relative of the sock monster) swoops in and steals from me. 
 Cardigans - Because is it even possible to layer without them??
I love all kinds of sweaters but this Boyfriend Cardigan (left) and "Cozy" Cardigan both grabbed my attention when I was doing some (not needed) online shopping... Courtesy of Forever 21.com

Jackets - Its not cold enough (hopefully) for a full blown coat but you might need that extra layer. 

*FYI*.. every year I suffer the leather jacket struggle.. I can never find one cute (read:cheap) enough that I want to spend the money on and that fits comfortably.... sooo any ideas would be helpful in that department!!!

Admittedly... Im a big under-dresser when it comes to outerwear so this peacoat (Left- Victoria Secret) is probably something I'd wear all throughout winter also... I'd just add more layers underneath for pretend warm! Both of these utility jackets (Center - Forever 21, Right - BCBGeneration) are super cute too. 

And Shoes simply because I'm a woman.. and we all need endless endless pairs of shoes.... =)
Cowboy Boots (left- Justfab.com 'Roca'), Moccassins (Top Middle- Minnetonka) and Combat Boots (Top Right - Steve Madden 'Troopa') have all been my go to shoes in the past. I just took an interest in wedge sneakers (bottom right - Steve Madden 'Hilight') recently and im excited to see how well I pull them off with different outfits this coming season.

SOOOOOO .... what are some of your fall necessities/favorite places to shop for fall basic pieces?? 

xx Tanay.


  1. Did you get those wedge sneakers? I tried the black ones on in early spring and didn't like them. I just saw the color you posted the other day (on sale somewhere) and considered getting them...

    1. I didnt get them. Im waiting to order them on piperlime so i can get a discount but i want to go to steve madden and see them on my feet first.

  2. Love to shop for sneakers any time.This habit had make me collect a huge collection of shoes.

    Barker Marine

    Men Shoes UK

    1. LOL. yea the shoe thing can get really addicting!

  3. I have been counting down to Fall for the longest. It's my favorite time of year as well because of the clothing. Like you, I LOVE layers and boots. Mann.. I've already cleaned my boots and it's still 90+ degrees out here.

    1. Yesss I keep asking everyone all day... is it too hot for this????? I'm ready to layer up... fall has the best fashion.


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