Hello blog world! I’m Tanay, 22 and completely new to this blog thing. Im actually starting it as a hobby and a way to keep myself busy which is pretty funny because I already feel like I don’t have time for anything as it is! LOL. I just recently (read as: yesterday) decided it was time for me to try to find myself (whatever that means) and I’m thinking this may help me along the way. I’m not sure where this is going to go, and I don’t know who is going to follow, but I’m all for new adventures. I’m hoping to learn new things, meet new people, and gain a lot of insight along the way. This should be fun =)
P.S. Please excuse me if my grammar is atrocious as I haven’t had the need to write a proper sentence in quite some years! LOL.
And for the visualists…. my life is pretty much this….
*me and my boyfriend, bored at work, my crazy brother, my boyfriends dogs, and me just being random me*
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