The Sunshine Award Rules
- Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
- Share 11 random facts about yourself.
- Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
- List 11 bloggers. They should be bloggers you believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love!
- Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they’ve been nominated. (You cannot nominate the blogger that nominated you.)
11 Random Facts About Me
- My favorite color is purple. It hasn't always been, but now I love everything about it.
- I still suck my thumb sometimes. I know its disgusting, I can't stop doing it.
- I am extremely blind, but I almost never wear my contacts. I am constantly squinting.
- I like cooking, but I never want to do it. It's mostly because I dont want to clean up ever.
- I hate the smell of eggs.
- On top of that, I hate cooked carrots. I don't like the texture.
- I'm a really visual eater. If something looks strange I can't do it.
- I love The Hunger Games. I've watched the movie a million times. I'm going to be really sad when it's off Netflix
- I am the oldest of 6 kids (biological) and I have two step sisters. My older stepsister is one day older than me.
- My grandma is my biggest supporter even though she gets on my nerves the most lol
- It was really hard for me to think of 11 random things about me and I used this last space basically as a cop out so I didn't have to keep tryna figure it out.
The 11 Questions Given to Me
- What are 3 of your biggest pet peeves? People saying "whatever" to me... it's incredibly rude I hate it so much! People taking advantage of others.... I'm a nice girl =). Talking loud on your phone early in the morning! WHO could you possibly be screaming at, at 7am?!
- Where is your favorite place to vacation? I am such a sheltered child LOL. I haven't been that many places. I really want to go to the Carribean, somewhere with clear water. I definitely need to travel more.
- What was your favorite childhood book? I have always loved reading so it's hard for me to single out favorite books. Maybe Harry Potter cause I was pretty young when the books first started to come out and my mom used to read them to me and my younger brother.
- If your house is burning down and every human and animal is safely out, other than photographs or your cell phone.. what would you make sure to save? My hair stuff! LOL. I'm going to be homeless now, at least my hair can be LAID!
- What is your favorite household chore? People have favorites of those? I guess if I have to choose then I don't mind doing laundry.
- Name a celebrity that you would like to trade places with for one day. For ONE day I'd LOVE to trade places with ... (you guessed it) ... Beyonce! I could honestly only do it for a day though because as big of a celebrity as she is, I couldn't imagine not being able to have a REGULAR day.
- What is your favorite charity to support? I don't have a favorite, but I do like to support charities that involve children. I always wanted to become involved in Big Brother, Big Sister because I think it's really important to make a difference in childrens lives who may not have anyone else to look up to.
- What is the best advice someone has ever given you? My grandma reminds me constantly, to stay happy and to follow my dreams. If I'm not happy then there's no point in doing what I'm doing.
- What is your favorite Christmas movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas! I love that movie. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
- What is your most used phrase? Thank you, Sir. LMAO. I call EVERYONE sir. It's hilarious to me LOL.
- How many times (if any) do you proofread your blog posts before publishing? Maybe once. I'm bad with that kinda stuff. I go back and read them sometimes after they're published and then if I see an error I correct it.
Im actually going to break the rules a little bit. And not because I believe that no one else deserves recognition but the bloggers that I interact with most frequently are more "established" in their blogging and I dont believe they would participate in the post. I did really enjoy answering Chanity's questions though! A great way for me to start the last month of the year!
Tell Later Loves,
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