All the initial excitement of the new year has died down and while I still see the occasional new year, new me posts, they've all pretty much disappeared *insert sigh of relief*. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people changing... but I wouldn't mind if we all thought of a new, maybe individual phrase so that we weren't all ringing in cliches as the clock struck midnight.
As for me, I am looking forward to the new year being a year of growth. I spent much of 2013 in misery. Don't get me wrong I was generally happy, but at the same time I was dying for change. I felt like I was stuck in a place where I couldn't thrive at all. It was not working for me.
I quit my job the day after Christmas. So many people don't understand my reasoning behind it but to me it makes perfect sense. I am trying to grow into a certain type of person. My job was not allowing me to grow. And not at all in the sense that they weren't supportive because I had an amazing support system during my last couple of months, but the job was not for me. I got no sense of satisfaction out of what I was doing and I most often felt defeated. If you hate your job, quit it.
So of course I didn't quit without a back up plan and I'm very excited about work now. I feel happier in a place where I am allowed to express myself as an individual and not just force something on people based on company standards. I no longer feel robotic.
I am looking forward to 2014 with an extremely new insight. This year is all about growing as a person, spiritually, a blogger, a girlfriend, a big sister, and so much more. 2014 is MY year. This year I am looking forward to being not a new person, but a better one. The only way to go is up.