16 January 2014

Mini Chop!!!! =D

So I've been tryna get my boyfriend to take pictures of my hair since I cut it almost a week ago. #FAIL! He gladly presented himself when I was taking some of myself lol but for some reason he does not wanna take a picture of my hair for me. He must be too distraught since every so often he looks at me and says "I can't believe you cut my hair off" LMAO.

My mini chop honestly was a pretty big chop in the back lol. I have an asymmetrical bob type thing goin on! So the front of my hair is about shoulder length and the back neck length.... I was close to bra strap length in the back before! 

But even the stylist at the salon was feeling my pain when she washed my hair.. When it came time to rollerset it, it was almost impossible for her to keep the relaxed hair untangled/unmatted. That actually made me smirk a little cause I thought it was a complete fail on my part and then I realized it wasn't just me who couldn't keep it together #score!

Anywho, I'm loving the hair cut! I'm excited to see my curls once I wash my hair again to see what's goin on back there and feel how much easier it is to handle cause I'm pretty sure I'm almost if not completely relaxer free in the back!! 

Wash day post coming soon?? =D 

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