That's what I feel like I'm recovering from. My boyfriend had the flu, so I stayed with him to take care of him and then of course I caught it. And I have been miserable!! I'm feeling much much better now but I still don't feel motivated to do much of anything and I can't get rid of my cough. And since I have asthma, when I cough every single time it feels like a lung is going to fall out... especially when it's a dry cough.
I can't believe tomorrow is going to be February. I'll be 24 in 19 days and I am NOT looking forward to aging LOL. It's not the same exciting feeling I felt when 21 was coming, now I just feel like I'm getting older and so I should be doing MORE. I always feel like I should be doing more though, I'm a chronic over-worker.
What's everyone been up to?

I was sick for what seems like two months! Everyone in my house is finally healthy again. I hope you feel better soon! I'm visiting via 'A lovely blog hop!'